Borderlands 3 Update brings a new mission and more

After the announcement of a new downloadable content for the game , Gearbox Software has a new update for Borderlands 3 This brings a huge amount of new content.

At the top of the pack is the Takedown mission at Maliwan Blacksite mission. Players will have to work alongside Lorelei to destroy a secret weapon developed by Maliwan to the Blacksite. This mission is the ultimate challenge, ranked for those at level 50. You will only be able to access it after finding Sanctuary III, after completing the main campaign.

In addition, Mayhem 4 will be available. This new mode offers an equally difficult challenge, with a new increase in enemy's health, as well as the possibility of scoring more booty. You can also recover other legendary. However, it means some slight changes to the random modifier system, with a positive modifier for the player and an enemy bonus modifier.

The complete notes are below, and you can learn more about the game on its official page.

Expansion of the bank

All characters now start the game with 20 bank pitches instead of 10. Existing bank SDUs each offer a total of 100 available spaces. Ten additional Banking SDUs can be purchased from the Marcus store on Sanctuary III using the cash currency of the game, each attributing 20 places, for a total of 300 tickets in the bank!


All patterns have been updated with new booty pools that give them the legendary objects dedicated to deposit. Players can now discover which bosses drop their favorite equipment and more easily grow their favorite objects. Let the hunt begin!

additional distributors

The following environments received the additional automatic distributors. They can usually be found before the boss or the median point of path in the larger environments:

  • Athenas
  • QG Atlas
  • Lectra City
  • Voracious canopy
  • Ruins of Tazendeer
  • Star stake

Target Model

Players can control their assault or test their equipment on a Handsome Jack target in the Sanctuary III shooting field.



  • The Iron Bear damage has increased by level, to reach a total of just less than 150% at the maximum level
  • Desperate Measures now gives the bonus to Iron Bear
  • Experimental ammunition - Iron Bear also inflicts the bonus fire damage on critical shots
  • The burning RPM also grant an increase The hard point damage by 5% per level.
  • Vampyr - When Iron Bear inflicts the damage on its surface, Iron Bear receives half of the care bonus.
  • Iron Bear now launches The Barrels when the player mixes
  • Bubble shield Iron Bear shield increased by 20% to 50% of Moze's health


  • The SNTL damage scale has been increased by 2% per level
  • Donnybrook, pocket bonuses full of grenades, cold hand, violent violence and violent speed now pray twice
  • Violent momentum correction to further evolve with higher travel speeds
  • Best cold ray service and increased damage by 2% per level
  • Confidence confidence increases the maximum weapons damage bonus from 20% to 35%
  • Change of the Trick of the Light element in Cryo and increase the bonus from 18% to 36%
  • Time duration borrowed increased from 15% to 30% by active competence
  • The double barrel bonus has increased from 20% to 25%
  • Quick Breather now restores 50% of clone health after an exchange
  • The Pocket Full of Grenades bonus decreased slightly from 6.5% to 5% because it is now stacking
  • The violent violence bonus has decreased slightly from 4% to 3%


  • AMBUSH PREDATOR now has a HUD icon when the buff is active
  • Increase The damage The pets 10/5% per level instead of 9%
  • Adding damage The pets in Grim Harvest at 7% per level
  • Adding familiar damage to the most dangerous game at 9% per level
  • Adding damage The pets in Stalker interplanetary 1% per battery, by level
  • Adding damage The pets to the firing attack at 0.6% per battery
  • Adding damage The pets in The Fast and Furryous at 10% per level
  • Licking the wounds has been entitled to a fun bonus after having revived the player.
  • Increase The damage inflicted on pets by Psycho Head ON A Stick of 10% to 20%
  • Increase The damage in 5% to 7% Tactics Pack by level
  • Adjusted Megavore not to reward critical blow bonuses when you undergo the self-inflicted damage


  • Correction of several occasional crashes when interacting with the ECHO menu
  • Correction of a crash that occurred sometimes after leaving the main menu repeatedly
  • Fixed a crash that occurred sometimes when transitioning to Athenas during a multilayer session with 4 players
  • Correction of a crash that happened sometimes when Iron Bear was destroyed
  • Correction of a crash that occurred sometimes during the entry or exit of Iron Bear
  • Fixed a crash that occurred sometimes during intense fights with Varkids
  • Correction of a crash that sometimes occurred in networking games
  • Correction of a crash that sometimes occurred when a shared screen group joined another part during the intro of Marcus
  • Fixed a crash that happened sometimes when a divided screen user left the main menu
  • Correction of a rare crash that happened sometimes dropping equipment on a PC
  • Correction of a rare crash that occurred sometimes after 3 customers have joined the host
  • Correction of a rare crash that happened sometimes when the destructible environmental art was undergoing the damage
  • Correction of a rare crash that happened sometimes when a client passed to Desolation's Edge
  • Correction of a rare crash that can occur when entering Fade Away
  • Correction of a rare crash linked to the day of an environment
  • Correction of a rare crash that sometimes occurred as a result of incorrect text fields
  • Fixed a crash related to the minimum widget
  • Correction of several plantages sometimes occurring when the players traveled quickly
  • Fixed a reported problem preventing the application from ending properly
  • Fixed a reported problem where the news widget would remain suspended indefinitely
  • Disabling the reference functionality in a coop group


  • Improvement The overall performance in the menus
  • Note: We are still working on The Additional Performance Updates that will be implemented in future updates.
  • Improvement of the performance of the bank
  • [PlayStation 4 only] Resolving a reported problem preventing some players to mark the elements as unwanted or favorite on PlayStation 4.
  • Resolution of a reported problem where the sorting of the inventory by type sometimes tried the inventory by score
  • 'Sort by rarity' added to the bank, the inventory, the sale of objects and the sale to automatic distributors
  • Customers now receive an indication The reasons why their travel attempt has failed
  • Names updated in credits
  • Resolving a reported problem in which the corrupted characters were sometimes displayed for some fast traveler stations in Japanese and Simplified Chinese
  • Resolution of a reported problem in which The Characters were sometimes displayed in the wrong direction for some fast-walking stations and traditional Chinese level transitions
  • Resolution of a reported problem in which the class mods comparison sometimes displays incorrect icons on abbreviated article cards
  • Resolving a reported problem where elements locations could sometimes overlap when displaying the drive storage.
  • Resolving a reported problem where the travel countdown could sometimes be interrupted by opening the discussion window
  • [PC only] Resolving a reported problem that can cause the loss of mouse input.
  • Resolution of a reported problem: the point cards at the beginning of the game did not appear
  • Resolution of a reported problem where the missions sometimes did not classify correctly in the mission log
  • Resolution of a reported problem: The list of friends could sometimes be too long for a shared screen.
  • Resolution of a reported problem where a player could sometimes lose his HUD in shared screen
  • Resolving a reported problem where the information panel was briefly displayed during the Challenges of the Planet.
  • Resolving a reported problem: Players could sometimes be sent to the wrong place when choosing a destination on the map.
  • Resolving a rare problem where a dialog box could not be closed


  • Resolution of a reported problem that can sometimes block the NPCs during a teleport
  • Addressed a reported progress blocker where a NPC driving the player could sometimes break if one the players left the game.
  • Addressed to a reported progress blocker where Lilith could sometimes be blocked during the "Ground Up" mission
  • Treatment of a reported progress blocker that occurred sometimes when two players were trying to accept the quest object at the same time since the slot machine during the "Sanctuary" mission.
  • Treatment of some progression blockers reported during trips to another card during the "Sanctuary" mission.
  • Solving the progress blocking problem reported by the Lorelei cyclone after players enter and come out of the menu during the "Hostile Control Take" mission
  • Addressed to a reported progression blocker, the Killavolt arena door sometimes not opening during the "Kill Killavolt" mission
  • Treatment of a reported progress blocker where a robot The amber lamps could sometimes appear during the "Dynasty Diner" mission and leave the combat zone.
  • Added a reported progress blocker where the sister of Bloodshine could not appear during the "proof of woman" mission
  • Treatment of a reported progress blocker in which Rhys-Ball could sometimes remain blocked during the "Space Laser Tag" mission
  • Treatment of a reported progress blocker in which Brick could sometimes be stuck in a concrete block during the "Hammerlocked" mission
  • Addressed a reported progress blocker where it was sometimes impossible to speak to Tina during the "Hammerlocked" mission
  • Addressed to a reported progress blocker where Billy, The Oointed sometimes disappeared during the mission "The Harpie Reader"
  • Treatment of a reported progress blocker where shared screen clients could not sometimes progress in the "Equip Black Flame" objective during the "Witch's Brew" mission
  • Added a reported progress blocker where Balex could sometimes stop walking during the mission "The Jewel of the Family"
  • Added a reported progress blocker where it was sometimes impossible to talk to Tannis during the Mission "The Great Vault"
  • Treatment of a reported progress blocker in which Tannis did not work with a critical mission objective during the mission "in the shade of the stars".
  • Resolution of a progress blocker problem in which a Tink could sometimes jump outside the barrier during the "Trial of Fervor" mission
  • Answer to some progression blockers reported during the mission "The trial of survival"


  • Rare enemies, Hunt and Bounty are always at the same level as players.
  • Adjustment made at the default zoom speed for the GamePad
  • Mayhem mods that cancel out can no longer be active at the same time
  • Shields that begin to regenerate immediately after the exhaustion now triggers the events not exhausted correctly.
  • Moze is no longer able to stack infinite the damage, health and buffals of the legendary shield BRAWLER WARD after equipping the Bloodletter Class Mod.
  • The Rough Rider shield properly triggers exhausted increases when equipped
  • Resolution of a reported problem in which some shields could offer the improvements to the players even if they were not equipped
  • Players can no longer stack the Brawler Ward's legendary shield's health regeneration buff on another shield when they repeatedly equip and dismake the Brawler fighter shield in the inventory.
  • Resolving a reported problem in which class mods and artifacts would sometimes accumulate the reuse period The action skills during execution.
  • Resolution of a reported problem in which the Hellwalker anointed parties could sometimes be poorly weighted
  • Resolution of a problem that sometimes prevented the Zane barrier blocking e-tech weapons projectiles
  • Resolution of a reported problem: FL4K pets could sometimes be frozen without showing any the effects of freezing
  • Resolution of a reported problem: The FL4K Gamma Burst action skills can sometimes result in the recharge time when players revived or generated a domestic animal each time.
  • Resolution of a reported problem: Active competence active monitoring for Moze sometimes did not target enemies in the turrets
  • Resolving a reported problem where the Mayhem modifier sometimes did not affect Eridium won
  • Resolution of a reported problem in which the parts of The Anvil were sometimes not properly balanced
  • Resolution of a reported problem where the mother The Dragons sometimes did not drop his booty
  • Resolution of a reported problem: Spare Spare enemies may not have appeared during a mission if the players had already defeated him during this session.
  • Resolution of a reported problem: A booty can not appear after players found all the eid writings.


  • DX12 is now the default graphical API under Windows 10 for AMD Video Card Users
  • Added support The Future Types of Fixes
  • Adding viewer mode for shots
  • The explosion effects are dissipated now faster
  • Ball traces crossing Zane shield are more transparent
  • Improvement The general audio performance and the use of memory
  • The saved parts triggered by silver or the changes in the inventory have been limited
  • Resolving a reported problem: The backup files might be removed after the game crash being saved.
  • Resolution of a reported problem where the rank and guardian chips could be lost
  • Resolution of a reported problem in which the equipped weapons skins were sometimes not properly displayed
  • Resolution of a reported problem in which ECHO themes were sometimes not displayed correctly for coop players
  • Resolving a reported problem in which Clay and Wainwright Jakobs sometimes do not appear correctly in their title card
  • Resolution of a reported problem in which a delineation turret in the Floodmoor basin does not sometimes detect the bears of iron
  • Resolution of a reported problem where Iron Bear could sometimes pass through the platform during the bass fight
  • Resolution of a reported problem: Players sometimes load the ruins of Tazendeer in the wrong direction.
  • Resolution of a reported problem where players could sometimes become invulnerable during the exchange of artifacts
  • Resolution of a reported problem in which Rakk could sometimes be blocked by geometry in The Cistern of Slaughter
  • Resolution of a problem where the players could join the arena in The Cistern of Slaughter after his death
  • Resolution of a reported problem where the depth of the field sometimes did not work properly in a shared screen
  • Resolution of a reported problem where the player's shield bar could sometimes disappear from HUD
  • Resolution of a reported problem in which the safe symbol on the loading screens was sometimes incorrect on the consoles
  • Resolution of a reported problem where the events sometimes did not work properly if Echocast was not activated before loading on a card.
  • Resolving multiple problems related to Badass events does not generate certain cards for the TWITCH Echocast extension
  • Solving a reported problem that sometimes prevented statistics from incrementing properly in vehicles
  • Resolution of a reported problem in which the audio the service robots sometimes ignored acoustic data
  • Resolution of a reported problem: The players' characters sometimes called the health vials when they were already at most of their health.
  • Resolution of several problems where the audio was sometimes stifled or lost
  • Solving multiple problems in which players sometimes lost severity permanently
  • Change the group indicator is now masked when the entry is not available

The update should be available for download the next time you start the game.


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