These consoles do you have: 1 is no PlayStation

We have recently made you in our consoles survey before the choice, which console or which consoles you currently own. Depending on how we compile the results, Nintendos Hybrid actually launches first place.

The switch is your possession number 1

9801 individual voices were counted, but could be tuned for more than one console. Therefore, there were 24,331 votes in this survey.

The Nintendo Switch reaches the first place with 5358 meters. Behind it is the PlayStation 4 (4270 votes) and the PlayStation 5 (3768 votes), followed by the Xbox Series X (2111 votes) on fifth place and all other Xbox consoles. The Steam Deck, which is just about 371 votes, is currently being exhausted, is currently only in the pre-order phase.

Switch perfect as a second console

From the comments under the survey clearly shows that many of you have more than one console. The most common distribution is a PlayStation or an Xbox as first and then the Nintendo Switch as a second console. This shows that the multi-platform players are used in the interior of you Nintendo s current system mainly for the exclusive games. The popularity of the system for the purpose of this purpose is then probably the reason why the console could prove first place in this survey.

When viewing the entire product family, the Nintendo Switch must be very tight. Namely, we count the revisions, then the PlayStation 4 comes to 29 percent (6946 votes) and the Nintendo Switch only to 28 percent (6807 votes).

There is currently another consoles survey. Shares us here which controller you have closed in your heart:

115 3

more on the subject

Survey: Which is your favorite controller?

Even more consoles : In order not to make the survey not quite as attributable, we had limited ourselves to the current consoles. But a look at our comments shows that you continue the older platforms and maintains. Just old Playstation and Nintendo consoles are high in the course.

Which console does you currently be able to currently? Which console is your favorite platform?


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