Activision Blizzard actions fall after the call call

Blizzard had a lot of dramas around them lately. Between the departure of the first co-responsible woman after three months and the departure of the Legal Director in September, Blizzard could have enjoyed good news to offer his investors lately. Instead, he announced that the two extensive suites, Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4, were delayed. There was no news of an exit date for one or the other game, which means that neither will be seen at least from here 2022. No wonder the stock Blizzard dropped.

Again, as other sources have pointed out, Blizzard s actions have fallen - not much but nevertheless falling - since June of this year. There is no doubt that this is related to the various trials to which Blizzard has been confronted lately, one of the most important being the trial of the state of California against them for unfair practices. According to Communications Workers of America, the union of which Blizzard employees, Blizzard, instead of protecting the rights of their workers, has participated in anti-union and intimidation of workers.

Diablo 4 DELAYED; Blizzard co-leader QUITS

And yet, although Blizzard did not make much noise in the news, they have not been confronted with financial difficulties. In fact, Blizzard alleged that during their last trimester, they had clothed $ 2.07 billion in revenue and between July and September, Blizzard had only a billion microtransactions. And, too, Call of Duty: Vanguard will come out soon. While the two major titles of Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2 will not be unveiled, Blizzard was quick to promise that there would still be quality content to come during the coming year.

Yet, we do not know how things will change in the long run for the company. Between the employees who resign or who are fired, the trial of California and the negligence of several franchises, things do not advertise for this giant video game. We will have to see how they manage in the year and the months to come.

Look too


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