The Castle of Shikigami 2 and Crrimzon Clover: Explosion dated December 6th on PC


Shot on a shot, the Device Games publisher has just set out the output dates of two great shoot them up to come on PC: The Castle of Kirigami II and Crimson Clover: World Explosion are now expected for December 6th.

Second opus of a trilogy of ships annoyed signed Alpha System, The Castle of Kirigami II is first released on Arcade in 2003 before finding its way to the Game cube Unique a few months later, then on Dream cast, PlayStation 2, Xbox and PC the following year. This coming up on steam will obviously be accompanied by some novelties justifying its existence as a new placement of enemies in all levels that should surprise the most seasoned players, as well as a new translation. This version revised and corrected will arrive at the valve platform as of December 6, at the rate of 19.99 euros, while a demo is already available.

Castle of Shikigami 2 - Teaser Trailer If Crimson Clover: World Explosion Figure Already in the Ludothèque de la Switch since last year, this edition of Crimson Clover: World Ignition with four new game modes were still unpublished on PC. She will also arrive at Steam on the same date, but her price has, however, has not yet been communicated.


The Castle of Kirigami II — SWITCH / STEAM trailer


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